viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

June 2010: Is yours a saving faith?

It may surprise you to know this: but not every type of faith will save your soul. There is a dogmatic faith which gives a mental assent to the doctrines of the Scriptures; but intellectual acknowledgment is not enough. Satan knows the Bible to be true; but he hasn’t got any holier. There is a temporary faith, which has ‘no root’, it goes as soon as it comes (mentioned in the Parable of the Sower). There is a miraculous faith, with which one can cast out devils and heal the sick, as well as many other mighty works; but even Judas Iscariot, the son of perdition, possessed this faith, as did the magicians at Pharaoh’s court. So then, dogmatic, temporal and miraculous faiths do not constitute true saving faith.

How then can we know if we have a true justifying faith?

I.- Saving faith is Christ-captivated. Faith’s object is not a something; but a Someone. That Someone is Christ. Faith holds Jesus in the highest esteem: the glory of His person, the splendour of His works and the joy of His fellowship. The Saviour is more than precious to any saint. Beza once said that true faith not merely believes in Christ, but embraces Him. Faith is an affectionate affair that governs in our emotions, will and intellect. If you love Christ, and you are captivated by Him, your faith is of divine origin. You may fall; but even though your faith is weak, He is an Omnipotent Mediator! ‘Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith’.

II.- Saving faith is passionately purifying. It is faith that purifies our hearts; not tears, not knowledge (Acts 15:9). Faith that justifies is also the faith that sanctifies. It sets ablaze the whole life of the disciple. Faith gives us an eternal perspective and takes our eyes of the temporal distractions of this world. Faith is pleased to renounce self to find refuge in the righteousness and purity of Jesus. Faithful Christians leave behind the cleansing fragrance of eternity. And that eternal vision affects their conduct here and now. A man who lives in the realm of eternity will reflect so with his lifestyle.

III.- Saving faith is obstinately obedient. We would do well to remember that true faith is an obedient to God’s will. Noah obeyed, Abraham obeyed, Moses obeyed, etc. The heroes of faith were men and women who obeyed God. If your faith does not obey God then your faith is a faith of devils. If God says ‘go!’ faith goes. If God says ‘preach!’ faith will preach. Faith is a soldier at the command of the Almighty. It says, ‘Not my will, but Yours; not my righteousness, but Christ’s; not my life, but His! For me to live is Christ; to die is gain!'

IV.- Saving faith is totally transforming. Faith will make us into the image of Christ. It not merely produces holiness; but it marks us with all of the beauties of Jesus’ person. The mark of the man or woman who gives spiritual fruit is the one of a spiritual faith. Faith will lead us to maturity in the things of God; we will trust God in tribulation and grow more Christ-like in every way. Every living thing grows; and so the life-giving force of faith will work in us strength, fervency, spirituality and a deeper love for God and our brethren. Christ said, ‘By their fruits you will know them’.

So does your faith measure up to this evangelical standard? Is your faith Christ-captivated, passionately purifying, obstinately obedient and totally transforming? This was the faith that the saints of old knew; and this is the faith that manifests the glory of God in our present age. This saving, justifying, sanctifying faith will be found in honour, glory and honour at the coming of the Lord Jesus. Is yours a saving faith?

1 comentario:

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    Tee Akindele
